Back in December, my bro-in-law, Jordan called me looking for some help in throwing together a little birthday party for my youngest sister Lanae! Of course, I began thinking of some fun little ideas and after running a few by him, we decided to go with a nautical-inspired dessert party. Jordan really wanted to go out for dinner with my family and somehow surprise Lanae as well. We decided on a restaurant (old, but new to us) called Psycho Suzi's. From what I knew about Psycho Suzi's, the place looked like a rundown VFW or sketchy warehouse, but inside it was a tropical paradise! Jordan left most of the details to me - he planned to meet us for dinner and then "nonchalantly" head back to my parents for a fun little party - little did Lanae know!
"What are you guys doing here?!" |
L&J |
Mom and the boys (minus Mitch & Jon) |
Dad and Vaness |
After our fun little birthday dinner, my mom, Vanessa and I rushed back to the house to get the rest of the food put out while the boys and Lanae made a quick stop at Walgreen's for a little 'delay'.. It was all timed quite perfectly. She was SO surprised!
I've thrown a couple nautical/beach-inspired parties in the past, and I really wanted this one to be somewhat original. I decided to go with more "mature" beach elements, focusing on navy and white. I was excited to reuse a few things I had spent hours making for Justin's Surf's Up Birthday Party last March - the mock capiz shell garland, shell pomanders + a couple beachy recipes.
I love incorporating memories into birthday parties.. Memories are priceless! I gathered a collection of favorites from everyone in the fam and printed them onto flags. This is the first "memory" garland I've made.. I thought it turned out so stinkin' cute!

included a compiled mix of songs by South, Dandy Warhols, JET, Doves, Turin Brakes, Spoon, Alexi Murdoch, Phantom Planet, Eels, The Killers, Nada Surf, Perishers, Keane, Beck, Aqueduct, Imogen Heap and more!

Fonts used: kevinandamanda